Proud Fathers for Daughters

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Supporting girl child education in India has been a personal mission for me for many decades. In that context, I have done whatever it is that I could to support the Nanhi Kali organisation. Founded by the Mahindra group, they have done remarkable work in this field for many years.
I wanted to create an enduring photographic property for them and suggested the idea of ‘Proud Fathers for Daughters’ to Anand-Mahindra, chairperson of the group I am grateful that Anand saw the long-term vision and backed the same
Over the years, my colleagues and I have dedicated one weekend every year and created for daughter portraits for people willing to sponsor girl child education in rural India. In the process, we have created lasting memories and sent thousands of young girls to school. It’s clear as day that when our girls are educated, the benefits to their immediate families and to society are multifold
My grateful thanks to all the members of the Nanhi Kali organisation for their backbreaking work every year to put up the event and to my worthy photography colleagues who annually give this effort the most precious gift of their time
The images seen here are shot by different photographers who participate as well as by me. If you would wish to contribute, there is a link above. Nanhi kali sends you details of the progress of the girl you sponsor, and you can even keep in touch if you wish
When all of our girls get an education, India wins !

Read more on Nanhi Kali at